AES building Akron OHIO

Where Akron's leading companies thrive.

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2nd Floor

Suite 201

October, 2021

3rd Floor

Suite 350

September, 2021

3rd Floor

Suite 325

August, 2021

Summa has Grown! (Suite 207)

You’ll now find their larger suite on the same floor in suite 207 on the east side of the building (South Main Street).  You’ll find their suite easily accessible from any of the building entrances.  Their suite is just inside the southern South Main Street entrance to the building. 

Parking: You may park on South Main Street (in front of BFG Credit Union).  Alternately, park in the Visitor Parking and enter the building on the first floor.  Proceed to the second floor, walk through the atrium passing the café and you’ll find Summa straight in front of you.

click here for a Visitor Parking Map

January, 2021

Welcome Greater Akron Chamber Team! (Suite 205)

You’ll find their suite easily accessible from any of the building entrances.  Their suite is just inside the southern South Main Street entrance to the building.  Look for their logo and their suite will be just inside the door. 

Parking: You may park on South Main Street (in front of BFG Credit Union) or in the GAC parking lot just south of the building.  Alternately, park in the Visitor Parking and enter the building on the first floor.  Proceed to the second floor, walk through the atrium passing the café and you’ll find GAC on your far right.

click here for a GAC Parking Map

March, 2019

From Tires to Tenants

Tires, the commodity that made BF Goodrich a household name, cushioned the fall as blocks of concrete factory floors were curt from their moorings in the demolition and reconstruction of one of the company’s old headquarters in its transformation, from industrial relic to office building.

More than 25 years since it was gutted and completely renovated, the AES building is now a Class A office building – one of only

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Akron's Brouse McDowell Celebrates the Start of a 2nd Century of Excellence

As we said farewell to the decade this January, the esteemed law firm Brouse McDowell celebrated the beginning of their 101st year serving the city of Akron.

As they step into the 2nd century as a law firm, Brouse McDowell will do so with a new managing partner.

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Akron’s Pin Oak Energy Partners’ Growth Projects a Strong Future

Few people know the ins and outs of the energy industry, as it takes an entire career in this field to truly understand it.  Fortunately, executives Chris Halvorson (CEO) and Mark Van Tyne (Chief Business Development Officer) of Pin Oak Energy Partners sat down for an interview to explain the various facets of being involved in the industry.

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Gabriel Performance Products Drives Growth and Innovation in Downtown Akron

“What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word ‘chemicals?’” asked Seth Tomasch, CEO of Gabriel Per­formance Products. Often, due to histo­ry’s chronicle of the chemical industry, the word carries unin­tended baggage, yet at Gabriel, that notion is being changed every day.

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